Abstract submission is closed
Abstract submission was available from 17.11.2023 - 08.02.2024 (midnight)
- Abstract Guidelines | - Structure of Abstract | - Form of Presentation |
- Abstract Rating / Notification / Publication
Abstract Guidelines
- The scientific committee highly encourages the submission of original scientific material
- Abstracts for SNS have to be written and presented in English.
- Abstracts can be submitted as oral communication (for main sessions) or ePoster
- Can be submitted again: abstracts that have been presented at a foreign congress during the last year
- Cannot be submitted again: abstracts that have been published in a journal and abstracts that have been submitted at an earlier congress of an involved society
- Abstracts have to be submitted in English
- At least one author has to be registered for the meeting
Structure of the Abstract
If applicable, the abstract should consist of the following parts:
- Title
- please do not use only capital letters - for example please write "Swiss Neurological Society " and NOT "SWISS NEUROLOGICAL SOCIETY"
- if your abstract contains a case report, please indicate in the title
- The content of the abstract
(limited to 2500 characters including spaces) should consist of the following parts:
- Aims
- Methods
- Results - Arithmetic characters are to be separated with spaces. Example: Permitted is the notation "p < 0.5", whereas "p<0.5" is not permitted
- Conclusion
- Authors - please include all authors in the correct order
- Affiliations - please include the authors’complete affiliations by indicating the corresponding company/institutions, department, location and country
- Acknowledgements or references - can be added in the separate field below the abstract body/content.
- References - should be indicated using the following format: author name, journal name, year of publication, volume, starting page, without manuscript title; e.g. (Smith AG. et al. J Fant 2002:79:567).
- Please note that figures, tables or graphs cannot be included.
Form of Presentation
Abstracts will be selected for:
- Oral Presentation: The best abstracts will selected for presentation during main sessions
- Oral ePoster Presentation*
- ePoster only
*abstracts will be selected for a short presentation in the ePoster area at the ePoster Terminals
on Thursday, 06.06.2024, 16:15-17:15.
Abstract Rating
Submitted abstracts will be evaluated by the abstract jury including the members of the scientific committee after the submission deadline.
Abstract Notification
Acceptance of the abstracts will be communicated to the corresponding / submitting author middle of March 2024.
Co-authors or presenters will not be notified and have to be informed by the corresponding/submitting author.
Abstract Publication
Accepted abstracts will be published on the website and as eJournal in the CTN Journal "Clinical and Translational Neuroscience".
Should you require further help with your abstract submission or have any questions, please contact the IMK congress secretariat: abstracts@imk.ch | congress@imk.ch