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Forms of presentation
Forms of presentation
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Foyer CCB, Posterflash A
Foyer CCB, Posterflash B
Foyer CCB, Posterflash C
iCal Registration
08:00 am - 09:00 am
iCal Workshop: Recent advances in clinical neuroimaging
09:00 am - 10:30 am
Topic : Workshop
Form : Workshop
Chair(s): Roland Wiest (Bern | CH), Bogdan Draganski (Lausanne | CH)
iCal Coffee break
10:30 am - 11:00 am
iCal Welcome
11:00 am - 11:15 am
Topic : Plenary Session
Form : Main Session
Chair(s): Anne-Katrin Pröbstel (Basel | CH), Caroline Pot (Lausanne | CH)
iCal Keynote Lecture 1: Big data and artificial intelligence in neurology: are we there yet?
11:15 am - 12:15 pm
Topic : Plenary Session
Form : Main Session
Chair(s): Viktor von Wyl (Zurich | CH), Anne-Katrin Pröbstel (Basel | CH)
iCal Lunch
12:15 pm - 01:45 pm
iCal Satellite Symposium: Biogen Switzerland AG: Beyond Disease Control in Multiple Sclerosis: Managing Infections, Vaccinations and Family Planning
12:30 pm - 01:30 pm
Topic : Satellite Symposium
Form : Satellite Symposium
iCal Neuroupdate 1: Novel immune mechanisms in neurological diseases
01:45 pm - 02:45 pm
Topic : Swiss Society of Neurology - SNS
Form : Main Session
Chair(s): Stefanie Müller (St. Gallen | CH), Andrew Chan (Bern | CH)
iCal Coffee Break
02:45 pm - 03:15 pm
iCal Awards Session Baasch-Medicus Stiftung
03:15 pm - 03:45 pm
Topic : Swiss Society of Neurology - SNS
Form : Main Session
Chair(s): Dominik Straumann (Zürich | CH)
iCal Hot Topics
03:45 pm - 04:30 pm
Topic : Swiss Society of Neurology - SNS
Form : Main Session
Chair(s): Athina Papadopoulou (Basel | CH), Peter Sandor (Baden | CH)
iCal SNS General Assembly
05:15 pm - 06:45 pm
Topic : General Assembly
Form : General Assembly